CJSHS Weekly Family Newsletter Banner

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Welcome back!

Raider families,

Welcome back! I am excited to kick off a new school year with our amazing Raider students, staff, and community. This platform is intended to keep families and students informed of events, updates, meal menus, celebrations, etc. We share our newsletter virtually via the School's Facebook Page (Central USD 462) and parent and student emails. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to call the school or email me. See you Thursday students!

email: jhenning@usd462.org

phone: 620-438-2215

Jillian Henning

Central Jr/Sr High School Principal

Upcoming Events

Monday, August 8th

CJSHS Teacher In-Service 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

BOE Meeting 6:00 p.m., CJSHS Conference Room

Sports Physicals 5:00 p.m., CJSHS. $15

Tuesday, August 9th

All Staff In-Service 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Wednesday, August 10th

All Staff In-Service 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Thursday, August 11th

School in Session. Doors open 7:35 a.m. School day: 7:55 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. See Bell Schedule Link Below. No Salad Bar

Friday, August 12th

School in Session. Doors open 7:35 a.m. School day: 7:55 a.m. - 3:50 p.m. See Bell Schedule Link Below. No Salad Bar

Fall Sports Parent Meetings 6:00 p.m. at CJSHS

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Student Handbook

Please CLICK HERE to see the 2022-23 student handbook. Please see specific changes to the cell phone policy, dress code policy, trips, and more. Parents/guardians, please take a moment to review and discuss the policies in this handbook with your student prior to the beginning of the school year.

Morning Routines & Breakfast

Doors will open at 7:35 a.m. Students, please do not plan to be in the parking lot or waiting by the front doors prior to 7:30 a.m. Breakfast will be served from 7:35 am-7:50 am. Students eating breakfast will drop their belongings off in their lockers and head to the cafeteria. Students who choose not to eat breakfast will wait in the gym until 7:50 am when the first bell rings and they can head to class. Students, if you are a breakfast eater, please plan accordingly.

August 11th & 12th Schedule

CLICK HERE to view the bell schedule for Thursday, August 11th and Friday, August 12th. We will have rotation stations in the morning for students to review policies and expectations, learn about organizations that students can be involved in and resources available, and so much more! Then we will have a condensed 1st-7th hour bell schedule after lunch.

School Supply Needs

Students, if you are in need of any school supplies for your classes or a backpack, please send Niki an email at nbeers@usd462.org or stop by the office and let her know. Joseph's Storehouse has generously made a donation to cover the needs of our students once school starts.

Tech Fee

Families, please send $10 for your student(s) tech fee next week if you haven't already. Students may not receive their school issued chromebooks if tech fees remain unpaid.

Summer Activities Update

A special thank you to the staff that planned and organized and the students that attended camps and trainings this summer! We had a great turn out of students in our weight room and summer camps. It was exciting to see students in the building remaining engaged over the summer.

New Staff Introductions

We are excited to welcome several new staff members and announce changes to roles in our building for the upcoming school year. Please help me in giving each of them a big Raider welcome as they start their new role.

Holly Allred, Art & Design Teacher

Amber Hafenstein, Full-time Substitute, Aide, and ISS/Structured Day Monitor & Coach

Shelby Berggren, Para Professional

Lanetta Burdette, Junior High Social Studies & High School Business Teacher

Denise Liebau, Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher

Ethan Denton, High School Social Studies Teacher

Hailey Denton, Para Professional

Ben Dobbs, Maintenance & Custodial Staff

Justin Groene, Agriculture Teacher & FFA Sponsor

Shawn Jones, Math Teacher & Bus Driver

Tyler Lampert, Physical Education Teacher & Coach

Brittney North, Aide

Jeff Savage, Coach

Eddie Weigle, Coach

Open Supplemental Positions

At this time, the following supplemental positions for the 2022-23 school year are open to staff and community patrons. Please print, complete, and return the supplemental position application attached below to the USD 462 district office or email it to mcalvin@usd462.org for consideration. If you have already completed a supplemental application and would like to add additional areas of position interest(s) to your current application, please email mcalvin@usd462.org. Deadline to apply is open until the position is filled unless otherwise stated.

HS Boys Basketball Assistant Coach

HS Girls Basketball Head Coach

HS Girls Basketball Assistant Coach

JH Girls Basketball Head Coach

HS Track Assistant Coach

HS Baseball Assistant Coach


USD 462 Supplemental Position Application.docx.pdf

845.2 KB

Mark your calendar for Thursday, August 18th for our 2nd Annual Back to School Family Tailgate. 6:00 p.m. by the outdoor concession stand by the baseball/softball fields. All staff, students, families, and community patrons are encouraged to attend. Attendees are encouraged to bring a side dish. Hot dogs and water will be provided. Please help us spread the word!

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New USD 462 Website - Under Construction!

We are so excited to announce that we are in the process of creating a new user friendly and up to date website! Our new website and app will allow parents, students, and staff to select groups and filters for notifications that are pushed out by teachers, coaches, admin, etc... We are doing great things at Central that deserve to be celebrated- now we will have an avenue to do so! Be looking for more information about our launch in September!

Design Business Updates & Central Raider Apparel

As many of you have probably seen, we have had a turnover in our art and design department. This will effect our ability to produce new apparel orders and fundraisers like we have done in the past for the first couple months of school. Mrs. Holly Allred is very excited to get the business up and running but I want to allow her time to learn the screen printing equipment and the rest of the ins and outs.

Although she won't be taking new orders until further notice, there are a lot of basic Central Raider heat transfer designs and blank apparel already in stock that she would like to clearance out. If you would like to stop by the art room to look at available options and purchase please contact Mrs. Allred at hallred@usd462.org. If you are a new CJSHS staff member, stop by to pick out a free Central Raider t-shirt before the beginning of the school year if you haven't already!

Fall sports coaches are working on an option for team apparel and will communicate ordering options with families when available. Thank you for your patience as we make this transition!

Central Jr/Sr High School 2022-23 Bell Schedule Link

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ZAP Program Continues at CJSHS - See Change Below

The ZAP program will continue at CJSHS for the 2022-23 school year. We have had a slight change in the way that students are referred to the zap program. Please see the bold area below. Basically what this means is that instead of teachers handwriting ZAP referral forms each Monday morning, a ZERO list will be pulled from Goedustar and any student who has a ZERO will be referred to ZAP and will receive a notification from the office. ZAP referrals will begin on Monday, August 22nd.

What is the ZAP program?

Zeros Aren’t Permitted (ZAP) is a program designed to increase expectations of students who habitually, or even occasionally, fail to complete and turn in homework assignments on time. It is first and foremost an expectation of high academic standards for all students. It is the goal of this program to empower students to acquire self-discipline and develop positive work habits. These skills will help students achieve success in our school while preparing them to meet the expectations of college and career professionals that they will encounter after graduation.

Why is USD 462 using the ZAP program?
The ZAP program is formed based upon the belief that every student can learn and be successful in school. Based on this belief, we will implement this program to hold ourselves and our students accountable for meeting this level of expectations. He/she will take pride in completing an assignment and doing it to the best of his/her ability. The most important trait that an individual can possess when it comes to achieving success is grit. Grit is the ability to persevere and overcome any obstacle in the pursuit of a goal. When students choose to skip an assignment, they lose an opportunity to practice hard work and display their grit. We realize that for many students a zero is not an immediate consequence since most students who repeatedly receive zeros are students who are struggling in school anyway. As educators, we recognize that when a student skips an assignment, this is a behavioral problem that often becomes an academic problem. ZAP is just one more strategy to help a child experience more success in school by building good character and work ethic. However, ZAP goes beyond behavioral goals like teaching grit. Using ZAP means preparing a student for college, career and/or for life because it requires teachers to ensure each child knows the curriculum, and if he/she is not completing assignments a teacher cannot possibly provide an accurate measure of that student’s knowledge. Our students know more than nothing, and we want them to prove it every time. That is why zeros aren’t permitted.

ZAP Program Details:

  • The program and referrals will begin on the 2nd Monday of each quarter.

  • The student will receive a ZAP form on Monday by 3:55 p.m. with details about the missing or incomplete work in which they currently have a zero (0).

  • Guardians will be notified via a schoolreach phone call and email by Monday evening.

  • To get Un-ZAP’d, the student will be required to complete the listed assignment(s) for the class with full effort and fill and have the teacher sign a green “get out of ZAP” form. It is the responsibility of the student to get the green form completed and turned in to the office by 3:43 p.m. to be Un-ZAP’d.

  • Any student without a completed green “get out of ZAP” form by 3:55 p.m. the following day, Tuesday and each consecutive school day after will be REQUIRED to stay after school until 4:55 p.m. During this time, students will work on getting the academic work done that they are missing.

  • There will be no ZAP after school on Mondays. The program will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays from 3:55 - 4:55 p.m.

  • This intervention program is monitored by a trained staff member. Students may be picked up at the jr/sr high school library doors at 4:55 p.m. No school transportation will be provided, families are responsible for transportation arrangements. If the student does not have available transportation, please contact administration to inquire about possible school transportation arrangements for the student.

  • Please see the teacher’s syllabus for specific expectations of turn in procedures, grading protocol, late work acceptance, etc.

  • If a student involved in after school activities or athletics is ZAP’d, the student will not miss ZAP for after school activities or athletics, including game days. If a junior high student is ZAP’d, they may practice from 3:25-3:50 and then will report to ZAP.

  • Students who do not attend/skip ZAP under any circumstances will be referred to the office for disciplinary action following the behavior and consequences policy of Central Jr/Sr High School.

    • Miss Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday = parents/guardians will receive a phone call and/or email stating that the student has required Friday school the same week. Friday school will take place in the jr/sr high school library from 9:00 a.m. - Noon. Students will be required to make up missed time from ZAP, up to 3 hours per week. Example, if a student misses Tuesday, they miss 1 hour of ZAP and must attend Friday school during the same week for 1 hour.

    • Miss Required Friday School = Structured Day the following Monday.